Would ya look at this? It's one of "Tim Holtz" beautiful creations." After looking at it forever.......I'm gonna make my own. Already ordered the hand and will start looking for trinkets to add. Doesn't it just scream creativity? I love pushing myself to new levels. And since I know Tim would never grace my little town I'll have to try it without him =o(! Just hope I can do it justice. Stay tuned for updates.
Lookie,lookie......two Christmas swaps! I am in piggy swap heaven. One is with Holly @mommyholly.blogspot.com
Snowflakes And Sparkles. Just the name and the pic. puts me in the mood.
The other one is with Heidi Ann
Very Vintage Christmas Swap! I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!!!!!!!!
Perfect ending to a perfect weekend!
I have nine more post and will hit "100"! Can you say, GIVE AWAY celebration?
I would like to share something very special. A ring I had made for my future daughter in-law. It was made from the baby spoon I fed my son with as a infant. A wonderful talented artist made it for me. If you get a chance, please check his shop, http://dankartistry.etsy.com
I am just so thrilled and hope I can wait until Christmas to give it to her.
I would love to own one of these beauties. I have tried to bid on ebay ....I just wish had 100 of dollars to spend on this pretty. These are just one of the hottest things going.If you or someone you know would be willing to sale or bater? I could bater and offer my oldest son. Ofcourse we won't tell him. I can't promise delivery. The Coast Guard owns him now. Always something dream about. O-kay, back to the real world! These are so darn cute!!!!